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Alegerile în SUA. Cum au votat vedetele și ce au postat pe Instagram

Astăzi este ziua cea mare! Ziua în care se desfășoară alegerile în SUA. Donald Trump și Joe Biden intră în bătălia finală. Iată cum au votat vedetele și ce au postat pe Instagram.



Alegerile în SUA. Cum au votat vedetele și ce au postat pe Instagram

Alegerile în SUA. America fierbe astăzi în așteptarea momentului în care se va afla dacă Donald Trump va rămâne Președinte sau va fi înlocuit la Casa Albă de Joe Biden. Cum sistemul de vot este diferit în America față de România, oamenii au votat deja prin diferite mijloace. Au făcut-o și vedetele, punând de asemenea postări pe Instagram prin care îi îndeamnă pe oameni să voteze.

Iată, așadar, cum au votat vedetele și ce au postat pe Instagram!



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Come thru, Texas! #VOTE 😘

O postare distribuită de Beyoncé (@beyonce) pe

Selena Gomez


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Just finished filling out my ballot!

O postare distribuită de Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) pe

Blake Lively și Ryan Reynolds

Jennifer Aniston


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#IVOTED for @joebiden and @kamalaharris. I dropped my ballot off, and I did it early 👏🏼 I voted for them because right now this country is more divided than ever. Right now, a few men in power are deciding what women can and can’t do with their own bodies. Our current President has decided that racism is a non-issue. He has repeatedly and publicly ignored science… too many people have died. ⠀ I urge you to really consider who is going to be most affected by this election if we stay on the track we’re on right now… your daughters, the LGBTQ+ community, our Black brothers and sisters, the elderly with health conditions, and your future kids and grandkids (who will be tasked with saving a planet that our leadership refuses to believe is hurting). ⠀ ⠀ This whole thing isn’t about one candidate or one single issue, it’s about the future of this country and of the world. Vote for equal human rights, for love, and for decency. ⠀ ❤️🗳⠀ ⠀ ⠀ PS – It’s not funny to vote for Kanye. I don’t know how else to say it. Please be responsible 🙏🏼

O postare distribuită de Jennifer Aniston (@jenniferaniston) pe

Demi Lovato


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I vote because I love my country. From my friends and family members who live here, to my neighbors and millions of people I don’t know, I love the citizens here. This year I’ve been so stressed and anxious from politics alone. This post isn’t about telling you to vote for, it’s about telling you to vote PERIOD. I want to know that whatever the outcome is, we raised our voices and spoke up for what we wanted. And if change is what you want, nothing will change unless you take action. So please, if you are old enough, please get out there and speak up. P.S. I’m so grateful to have been able to vote because it wasn’t too long ago women didn’t even have those rights.. (see what happens when we demand change? 😜☺️) 🙏🏼 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙

O postare distribuită de Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) pe

Lady Gaga


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Category: Ballot Drop Off Realness

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Charlize Theron

Jennifer Lopez

Michelle Obama

Anne Hathaway


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Spoiler alert: I voted for Kamala and Joe (and it felt goooooooooooood) #vote

O postare distribuită de Anne Hathaway (@annehathaway) pe

Mariah Carey


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VOTE! 🗳️ #iwillvote #everyvotecounts #womenarevoting #yourvotematters #iamavoter #bidenharris2020

O postare distribuită de Mariah Carey (@mariahcarey) pe


Jimmy Fallon

Demi Moore

Halle Berry


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VOTE. Vote EARLY. #Vote for the presidency but also for the local officials and measures that will create the world you want to see.

O postare distribuită de Halle Berry (@halleberry) pe

Julia Roberts


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💙 VOTE❤️ 15 Days to Go! #weareinthistogether #earlyvoting #challengeaccepted @ritawilson 💓

O postare distribuită de Julia Roberts (@juliaroberts) pe

Cine este soțul celebrei Kamara Harris, vectorul de imagine al lui Joe Biden la alegeri