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Coroana britanica se teme de Meghan Markle! Ducesa si Printul Harry vor fi „exilati” in Africa!

Poate ca suna a scenariu de film, insa Coroana britanica se teme de Meghan Markle, astfel incat Printul Harry si Ducesa de Sussex vor fi „exilati” tocmai in Africa! Afla de aici toate detaliile!



Coroana britanica se teme de Meghan Markle! Ducesa si Printul Harry vor fi „exilati” in Africa!

Conform celor mai noi zvonuri, Casa Regala a Marii Britanii s-ar teme ca Meghan Markle ar putea deveni mai „mare” decat Printesa Diana, iar recenta muare a Printului Harry si a Ducesei de Sussex la Frogmore Cottage din Windsor, acolo unde vor intampina si venirea pe lume a primului lor copil, nu ar fi altceva decat o incercare de a-i tine, macar pentru o perioada, cat mai departe de lumina reflectoarelor.

Desi initial s-a zvonit faptul ca mutarea ar avea legatura cu relatiile tensionate dintre Meghan Markle si Kate Middleton, mai nou se spune ca oficialii Casei Regale sunt de fapt ingrijorati de faptul ca nu vor putea gestiona atentia sporita de care se bucura Printul Harry si sotia sa la nivel global.

S-ar parea ca Meghan Markle, cunoscuta pentru actiunile caritabile la care lua parte inca dinainte de a-l fi cunoscut pe Printul Harry, s-a visat intotdeauna un fel de Printesa Diana.

Aceleasi surse din apropierea Casei Regale au declarat presei internationale ca au existat discutii pana si despre mutarea Printului Harry si a Ducesei in Australia sau Canada, dar ca acestea nu se vor concretiza.

Totusi, s-ar parea ca este posibil ca Printul Harry si Meghan Markle sa se mute in Africa pret de 2 ani. Sir David Manning, fostul ambasador al Marii Britanii in Statele Unite, si Lord Geidt, fostul secretar privat al Reginei, arr fi cei care au pus la cale aceste planuri.

Unde va naste Meghan Markle si cand vom vedea bebelusul regal?

Si toate problemele ar avea la baza teama Curtii Regale de faptul ca Meghan Markle ar putea deveni un fenomen chiar mai mare decat regretata Printesa Diana. Totul este insa momentan la nivel de speculatie si nicio decizie nu va fi luata, cel putin anul acesta.

Se face film despre Meghan Markle si Printul Harry. Iata cine ii joaca!


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Just one week ago, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex asked that you kindly consider supporting various organisations around the world in lieu of sending gifts for the upcoming arrival of their first born. Not only did many of you lend your support, you took action. Their Royal Highnesses wanted you to know the impact of your support – the direct effect your donation, energy, and action made! YOU chose to be part of the collective good, and you have made a real difference. Whether a $5 donation, £1000 contribution, offering to volunteer, or spreading the word – you’ve played your part. And on behalf of The Duke and Duchess (and Baby Sussex), we thank you so much. YOUR IMPACT: @thelunchboxfund will now be able to provide a minimum of 100,000 additional hot nutritionally fortified meals to children in dire need across South Africa @littlevillagehq received donations from all over the world (from UAE to Hong Kong and the US), they’ve increased their monthly donors, had a surge in volunteer applications, and re-energized their hard working team of 200+ staff and volunteers @wellchild can now provide 300+ additional hours of specialist care by a Well Child Nurse for a child with serious health needs, allowing families to stay together at home vs in hospital @Baby2Baby have received over 5,000 products to disperse to children in need, including cribs, books, backpacks, diapers and have received monetary donations from around the globe – from Guadalajara to Italy. You made this happen. Thank you.

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The Duke of Sussex has proudly been patron of UK based organization Well Child since 2007. Over 100,000 children and young people are living with serious illness or exceptional health needs across the UK. Many spend months, even years in hospital vs at home because there is no support enabling them to leave. Well Child’s vision is for every child and young person living with serious health needs to have the best chance to thrive properly supported at home with their families. Both the Duke and Duchess attended the Well Child Awards in the winter of 2018, supporting the incredible families and children who benefit from the Well Child programs. For those who have inquired, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex ask that you consider supporting @wellchild and three other select charities in lieu of sending baby gifts for their upcoming arrival. Thank you for the support and kindness! Photos via: @wellchild #worldhealthday

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What an incredibly special surprise the grassroots led #globalsussexbabyshower was last Sunday! The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are immensely grateful for the outpouring of love and support in anticipation of the birth of their first child. In lieu of sending gifts, the couple have long planned to encourage members of the public to make donations to select charities for children and parents in need. If you already made a donation, the couple send you their greatest thanks. If you are thinking about it, they ask that you kindly consider the following organisations they’ve selected, which we will highlight here over the next few days: @thelunchboxfund @littlevillagehq @wellchild @baby2baby The Duke and Duchess remain appreciative for your warm wishes and kindness during this especially happy time in their lives! Thank you for sharing the love ❤️

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