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Cum au reacționat vedetele când au auzit că Joe Biden a ales-o pe Kamala Harris ca viitor Vice-Președinte
Taylor Swift, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Chrissy Teigen și Pink sunt doar câteva dintre vedetele care și-au exprimat public părerea despre faptul că Joe Biden a ales-o pe Kamala Harris ca viitor Vice-Președinte.
Cum au reacționat vedetele când au auzit că Joe Biden a ales-o pe Kamala Harris ca viitor Vice-Președinte
Joe Biden a anunțat seara trecută că va candida în tandem cu senatoarea Kamala Harris la alegerile prezidențiale din SUA, propunând-o pe aceasta pentru funcția de Vice-Președinte.
La scurt timp, rețelele de socializare au fost asaltate de oameni care și-au exprimat public părerea despre acest lucru. Printre ei, și numeroase celebrități.
John Legend și-a exprimat fericirea față de alegerea lui Joe Biden. Speră ca acest duo să câștige alegerile și să construiască un viitor mai bun pentru americani.
Very happy for our friend and Senator and future Vice-President, @KamalaHarris, and very much looking forward to voting for the Biden-Harris ticket to begin the difficult work of recovering from this nightmare presidency and building an even better future.
— John Legend (@johnlegend) August 11, 2020
Actrița Mindy Kaling și-a exprimat bucuria cauzată de faptul că o femeie de culoare se va afla pe buletinul de vot la prezidențiale.
Chiar și fostul Președinte Barack Obama a felicitat-o public pe Kamala Harris
I’ve known Senator @KamalaHarris for a long time. She is more than prepared for the job. She’s spent her career defending our Constitution and fighting for folks who need a fair shake. This is a good day for our country. Now let’s go win this thing.
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 11, 2020
Kamala Harris a primit mesaje de încurajare din partea lui Bill Clinton, dar și a lui Hilary Clinton
This is a terrific choice! @KamalaHarris will be a great partner and she and @JoeBiden make a strong team.
— Bill Clinton (@BillClinton) August 11, 2020
I’m thrilled to welcome @KamalaHarris to a historic Democratic ticket. She’s already proven herself to be an incredible public servant and leader. And I know she’ll be a strong partner to @JoeBiden. Please join me in having her back and getting her elected.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) August 11, 2020
Iată în continuare alte câteva reacții ale vedetelor din America.
Congrats @KamalaHarris #BidenHarris2020
— Elizabeth Banks (@ElizabethBanks) August 11, 2020
Real actual tears of joy over here in the Hart household
— P!nk (@Pink) August 11, 2020
Kamala!!! I can’t wait to vote for Biden/Harris 2020!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
— Mandy Moore (@TheMandyMoore) August 11, 2020
Sen.KamalaHarris this is a great moment. Let’s take care of her and make sure we are supportive of her because this is a no nonsense race and she is ready. Go Kamala!!
— Whoopi Goldberg (@WhoopiGoldberg) August 11, 2020
fuck yes. excited to vote!! still amazed Election Day isn’t a national holiday. it needs to be celebrated, with a post vote bar crawl.
— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) August 11, 2020
Congratulations @KamalaHarris. I am thrilled for you and relieved and excited for our country. God Bless America!
PS I knew it would be you, because @JoeBiden respects those who confront him with dignity. Bravo! To both of you! #leadership #teamworkisdreamwork #BidenHarris2020— Sharon Stone (@sharonstone) August 11, 2020
@KamalaHarris @JoeBiden I’m thrilled! I have no joke to tweet. Simply thrilled. Let’s do this!
— Julia Louis-Dreyfus (@OfficialJLD) August 11, 2020
Overwhelmed by this historic moment. @KamalaHarris is the first Black woman & first Asian-American/Indian to be a VP nominee of major party. My heart is soaring for all the kids out there who see themselves in her and will dream bigger because of this. #KamalaHarrisForVP
— kerry washington (@kerrywashington) August 11, 2020
— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) August 11, 2020
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