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Defrisarile ilegale din Romania, criticate de Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio este alaturi de cei care au protestat duminica in Bucuresti si mai multe orase din tara impotriva defrisarilor ilegale din Romania! Iata aici detaliile!



Defrisarile ilegale din Romania, criticate de Leonardo DiCaprio

Se stie ca o multime de personalitati de la Hollywood se folosesc de capitalul de imagine pe care il au pentru a sustine anumite cauze. Leonardo DiCaprio este unul dintre actorii care se implica adesea in actiuni de protejare a mediului inconjurator, iar ieri a distribuit, pe contul lui oficial de Instagram, o postare a Greenpeace de la Marsul Padurilor din Romania, care s-a desfasurat duminica in Bucuresti si mai multe orase de la noi din tara.

„Peste 4000 de oameni au marsat ieri seara pe strazile Bucurestiului, cerand Ministerului Padurilor sa puna capat exploatarii ilegale si o protectie reala pentru ultimele paduri virgine ale Europei. Proteste similare au avut loc in mai multe orase din tara.


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#Regram #RG @greenpeace: More than 4000 people marched last night on the streets of Bucharest, demanding the Romanian Ministry of Forest to put an end to illegal logging and real protection for Europe’s last virgin forests. Similar protests took place in several cities across the country. Each year, 38 million cubic meters of wood disappear from Romania’s forests. Most of the trees are cut down illegally. . There have also been hundreds of attacks on forest rangers, including two who have been brutally murdered, for protecting these forests. From the Amazon to Romania, attacks against forest defenders are increasing. We need to protect the forests and the people who protect them. 🌲🌲🌲 . . #StopIllegalLogging . 📸 Cătălin Georgescu / @greenpeace_romania . . #greenpeace #forests #forestsarelife #amazon #nature #conservation #trees #treesofinstagram🎄#romania

O postare distribuită de Leonardo DiCaprio (@leonardodicaprio) pe

In fiecare an, 38 de milioane de metri cubi de lemn dispar din padurile Romaniei. Majoritatea copacilor sunt taiati ilegal. Au fost, de asemenea, sute de atacuri impotriva padurarilor, iar doi dintre ei au fost ucisi cu brutalitate pentru simplul fapt ca apara aceste paduri.

Se insoara Leonardo DiCaprio? A implinit un an de relatie cu ea!

De la Amazon si pana in Romania, numarul atacurilor impotriva celor ce apara padurile creste ingrijorator. Trebuie sa protejam padurile si pe oamenii care le protejeaza”, a scris Leonardo DiCaprio in dreptul postarii de pe Instagram care a reusit sa stranga aproape 400.000 de like-uri si mii de comentarii.


Vezi această postare pe Instagram


There are few times in human history where voices are amplified at such pivotal moments and in such transformational ways – but @GretaThunberg has become a leader of our time. History will judge us for what we do today to help guarantee that future generations can enjoy the same livable planet that we have so clearly taken for granted. I hope that Greta’s message is a wake-up call to world leaders everywhere that the time for inaction is over. It is because of Greta, and young activists everywhere that I am optimistic about what the future holds. It was an honor to spend time with Greta. She and I have made a commitment to support one another, in hopes of securing a brighter future for our planet. #FridaysforFuture #ClimateStrike @fridaysforfuture

O postare distribuită de Leonardo DiCaprio (@leonardodicaprio) pe