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Nominalizarile la Premiile Oscar 2019! Cine vor fi castigatorii?

S-au anuntat nominalizarile la Premiile Oscar 2019! „Roma” si „The Favorite” conduc clasamentul cu nu mai putin de 10 nominalizari fiecare, urmate de „A Star is Born” si „Vice”, fiecare cu cate 8 nominalizari.



Netflix reuseste sa obtina primele nominalizari la Oscaruri, nu mai putin de 10 cu filmul „Roma”, regizat de Alfonso Cuaron.

Pelicula „Roma” a obtinut 10 nominalizari la Premiile Oscar 2019

Cuaron a fost recompensat cu Leul de Aur la Festivalul de la Venetia si cu un Glob de Aur, iar producţia Netflix a mai primit un Glob de Aur la categoria Cel mai bun film străin, dar şi premiul criticilor de la Hollywood, un barometru important pentru castigatorii Oscarurilor. Drama „Roma“ este inspirata de viata cineastului mexican, actiunea fiind plasata in Ciudad de México, in anii 1970, si are in centru o familie de clasa mijlocie.

Pelicula „Roma” are acelasi numar de nominazari ca si „The Favorite”, productie a studiourilor Fox Searchlight si ambele concureaza la categoria cea mai disputata, pentru Cel mai bun film al anului.

„A Star is Born” a punctat 8 nominalizari la Premiile Oscar 2019

„Bohemian Rhapsody”, „BlacKkKlansman”, „Green Book”, „A Star is Born”,  „Vice” si „Black Panther” completeaza lista peliculelor nominalizate la cea mai importanta categorie.

Olivia Cole si Rachel Weisz in „The Favorite”

„The Favourite“ este o poveste dulce-amaruie despre intrigi regale, pasiune, invidie si tradare la curtea reginei Anne de la inceputul secolului al XVIII-lea, in Anglia. In film, Olivia Colman o portretizeaza pe Regina Anne, in timp ce Emma Stone o joaca pe Abigail Masham, o tanara care lupta pentru inima si afectiunea reginei. Triunghiul amoros feminin este completat de Rachel Weisz, care este Sarah Jennings Churchill, confidenta si amanta reginei.

Lady Gaga, la un pas sa castige Oscarul cu rolul din „A Star is Born”

Lady Gaga si Bradley Cooper au fost nominalizati pentru rolurile lor din „A Star is Born”, insa eforturile regizorale ale lui Cooper au fost complet trecute cu vederea. Bradley nu a obtinut si nominalizarea la categoria Cel mai bun regizor.

Rami Malek, jucandu-l pe Freddy Mercury in „A Bohemian Rhapsody”

Rami Malek nu a fost trecut cu vederea, mai ales dupa victoria surpriza de la Golden Globes. Ramane de vazut daca interpretarea lui Freddy Mercury in pelicula „Bohemian Rhapsody” ii va aduce si un premiu Oscar, asta dupa ce a castigat Globul de Aur pentru cel mai bun actor in rol principal.

Iata lista completa a nominalizarilor la Oscar:

Best Picture

Black Panther (Disney)
A Marvel Studios Production
Kevin Feige, Producer

BlacKkKlansman (Focus Features)
A QC Entertainment/Blumhouse Productions/Monkeypaw Productions/40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks Production
Sean McKittrick, Jason Blum, Raymond Mansfield, Jordan Peele and Spike Lee, Producers

Bohemian Rhapsody (20th Century Fox)
A 20th Century Fox and Regency Enterprises Production
Graham King, Producer

The Favourite (Fox Searchlight)
A Film4/Waypoint Entertainment/Element Pictures/Scarlet Films Production
Ceci Dempsey, Ed Guiney, Lee Magiday and Yorgos Lanthimos, Producers

Green Book (Universal)
A Charles B. Wessler/Innisfree Pictures/Participant Media/DreamWorks Pictures Production
Jim Burke, Charles B. Wessler, Brian Currie, Peter Farrelly and Nick Vallelonga, Producers

Roma (Netflix)
A Netflix/Participant Media/Esperanto-Filmoj Production
Gabriela Rodríguez and Alfonso Cuarón, Producers

A Star Is Born (Warner Bros)
A Warner Bros. Pictures Production
Bill Gerber, Bradley Cooper and Lynette Howell Taylor, Producers

Vice (Annapurna Pictures)
An Annapurna Pictures/Gary Sanchez Productions/Plan B Entertainment Production
Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner, Adam McKay and Kevin Messick, Producers

Actress in a Leading Role

Yalitza Aparicio, Roma (Netflix)

Glenn Close, The Wife (Sony Pictures Classics)

Olivia Colman, The Favourite (Fox Searchlight)

Lady Gaga, A Star Is Born (Warner Bros)

Melissa McCarthy, Can You Ever Forgive Me? (Fox Searchlight)


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Roma, produção feita para a Netflix, marcou história ao receber dez indicações ao Oscar 2019. O anúncio foi realizado durante cerimônia, na manhã desta terça-feira (22), em Los Angeles, nos Estados Unidos. Dirigido por Alfonso Cuarón, o longa baseado na própria vida do cineasta mexicano concorre aos prêmios melhor filme, diretor, atriz (Yalitza Aparicio), atriz coadjuvante (Marina de Tavira), filme estrangeiro, melhor fotografia, roteiro original, design de produção, edição de som e mixagem de som. Assim, Roma empata com A Favorita, também com dez indicações. . . As dez indicações de Roma representam um grande avanço para o serviço de streaming, que já foi considerado pelos votantes mais antigos como uma ameaça ao cinema tradicional. . . Com cerimônia de entrega marcada para o dia 24 de fevereiro, o Oscar será realizado no Teatro Dolby, em Los Angeles. . . #oscar #oscar2019 #roma #netflix #afavorita #indicados #coquetelcultural #cultura #cinema #arte

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Actor in a Leading Role

Christian Bale, Vice (Annapurna Pictures)

Bradley Cooper, A Star Is Born (Warner Bros)

Willem Dafoe, At Eternity’s Gate (CBS Films)

Rami Malek, Bohemian Rhapsody (20th Century Fox)

Viggo Mortensen, Green Book (Universal)


BlacKkKlansman (Focus Features)
Spike Lee

Cold War (Amazon Studios)
Paweł Pawlikowski

The Favourite (Fox Searchlight)
Yorgos Lanthimos

Roma (Netflix)
Alfonso Cuarón

Vice (Annapurna Pictures)
Adam McKay

Actor in a Supporting Role

Mahershala Ali, Green Book (Universal)

Adam Driver, BlacKkKlansman (Focus Features)

Sam Elliott, A Star Is Born (Warner Bros)

Richard E. Grant, Can You Ever Forgive Me? (Fox Searchlight)

Sam Rockwell, Vice (Annapurna Pictures)

Actress in a Supporting Role

Amy Adams, Vice (Annapurna Pictures)

Marina de Tavira, Roma (Netflix)

Regina King, If Beale Street Could Talk (Annapurna Pictures)

Emma Stone, The Favourite (Fox Searchlight)

Rachel Weisz, The Favourite (Fox Searchlight)


Adapted Screenplay

The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (Netflix)
Written by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen

BlacKkKlansman (Focus Features)
Written by Charlie Wachtel & David Rabinowitz and Kevin Willmott & Spike Lee

Can You Ever Forgive Me? (Fox Searchlight)
Screenplay by Nicole Holofcener and Jeff Whitty

If Beale Street Could Talk (Annapurna Pictures)
Written for the screen by Barry Jenkins

A Star Is Born (Warner Bros)
Screenplay by Eric Roth and Bradley Cooper & Will Fetters

Original Screenplay

The Favourite (Fox Searchlight)
Written by Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara

First Reformed (A24)
Written by Paul Schrader

Green Book (Universal)
Written by Nick Vallelonga, Brian Currie, Peter Farrelly

Roma (Netflix)
Written by Alfonso Cuarón

Vice (Annapurna Pictures)
Written by Adam McKay



Cold War
Łukasz Żal

The Favourite
Robbie Ryan

Never Look Away
Caleb Deschanel

Alfonso Cuarón

A Star Is Born
Matthew Libatique

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Production Design

Black Panther
Production Design: Hannah Beachler; Set Decoration: Jay Hart

The Favourite
Production Design: Fiona Crombie; Set Decoration: Alice Felton

First Man
Production Design: Nathan Crowley; Set Decoration: Kathy Lucas

Mary Poppins Returns
Production Design: John Myhre; Set Decoration: Gordon Sim

Production Design: Eugenio Caballero; Set Decoration: Bárbara Enríquez


Costume Design

The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Mary Zophres

Black Panther
Ruth Carter

The Favourite
Sandy Powell

Mary Poppins Returns
Sandy Powell

Mary Queen of Scots
Alexandra Byrne


Film Editing

Barry Alexander Brown

Bohemian Rhapsody
John Ottman

The Favourite
Yorgos Mavropsaridis

Green Book
Patrick J. Don Vito

Hank Corwin

Foreign Language Film

Capernaum (Lebanon)
Cold War (Poland)
Never Look Away (Germany)
Roma (Mexico)
Shoplifters (Japan)


Documentary Feature

Free Solo
Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Jimmy Chin, Evan Hayes and Shannon Dill

Hale County This Morning, This Evening
RaMell Ross, Joslyn Barnes and Su Kim

Minding the Gap
Bing Liu and Diane Quon

Of Fathers and Sons
Talal Derki, Ansgar Frerich, Eva Kemme and Tobias N. Siebert

Betsy West and Julie Cohen


Documentary Short Subject

Black Sheep
End Game
A Night at the Garden
Period. End Of Sentence


Animated Feature Film

Incredibles 2
Brad Bird, John Walker and Nicole Paradis Grindle

Isle of Dogs
Wes Anderson, Scott Rudin, Steven Rales and Jeremy Dawson

Mamoru Hosoda and Yuichiro Saito

Ralph Breaks the Internet
Rich Moore, Phil Johnston and Clark Spencer

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, Rodney Rothman, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller

Animated Short Film

Animal Behaviour
Alison Snowden and David Fine

Domee Shi and Becky Neiman-Cobb

Late Afternoon
Louise Bagnall and Nuria González Blanco

One Small Step
Andrew Chesworth and Bobby Pontillas

Trevor Jimenez

Live Action Short Film

Vincent Lambe and Darren Mahon

Jeremy Comte and Maria Gracia Turgeon

Marianne Farley and Marie-Hélène Panisset

Rodrigo Sorogoyen and María del Puy Alvarado

Guy Nattiv and Jaime Ray Newman

Original Score

Black Panther
Ludwig Goransson

Terence Blanchard

If Beale Street Could Talk
Nicholas Britell

Isle of Dogs
Alexandre Desplat

Mary Poppins Returns
Marc Shaiman

Original Song

“All The Stars” from Black Panther
Music by Mark Spears, Kendrick Lamar Duckworth and Anthony Tiffith; Lyric by Kendrick Lamar Duckworth, Anthony Tiffith and Solana Rowe

“I’ll Fight” from RBG
Music and Lyric by Diane Warren

“The Place Where Lost Things Go” from Mary Poppins Returns
Music by Marc Shaiman; Lyric by Scott Wittman and Marc Shaiman

“Shallow” from A Star Is Born
Music and Lyric by Lady Gaga, Mark Ronson, Anthony Rossomando and Andrew Wyatt

“When A Cowboy Trades His Spurs For Wings” from The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Music and Lyric by David Rawlings and Gillian Welch

Visual Effects

Avengers: Infinity War
Dan DeLeeuw, Kelly Port, Russell Earl and Dan Sudick

Christopher Robin
Christopher Lawrence, Michael Eames, Theo Jones and Chris Corbould

First Man
Paul Lambert, Ian Hunter, Tristan Myles and J.D. Schwalm

Ready Player One
Roger Guyett, Grady Cofer, Matthew E. Butler and David Shirk

Solo: A Star Wars Story
Rob Bredow, Patrick Tubach, Neal Scanlan and Dominic Tuohy


Makeup and Hairstyling

Göran Lundström and Pamela Goldammer

Mary Queen of Scots
Jenny Shircore, Marc Pilcher and Jessica Brooks

Greg Cannom, Kate Biscoe and Patricia DeHaney


Sound Editing

Black Panther
Benjamin A. Burtt and Steve Boeddeker

Bohemian Rhapsody
John Warhurst and Nina Hartstone

First Man
Ai-Ling Lee and Mildred Iatrou Morgan

A Quiet Place
Ethan Van der Ryn and Erik Aadahl

Sergio Díaz and Skip Lievsay


Sound Mixing

Black Panther
Steve Boeddeker, Brandon Proctor and Peter Devlin

Bohemian Rhapsody
Paul Massey, Tim Cavagin and John Casali

First Man
Jon Taylor, Frank A. Montaño, Ai-Ling Lee and Mary H. Ellis

Skip Lievsay, Craig Henighan and José Antonio García

A Star Is Born
Tom Ozanich, Dean Zupancic, Jason Ruder and Steve Morrow

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NIMENI nu va prezenta Oscarurile! Situatie unica in ultimii 30 de ani!

Schimbari mari la Premiile Oscar. Iata ce se intampla din 2019

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